Saturday 28 December 2013



"After all, there is a Protestantism still worth contending for, there is a Calvinism still worth proclaiming, and a gospel well worth dying for" (CH Spurgeon)

A few years ago, I wisely invested my money in purchasing the Ages CD of many of CH Spurgeon's works (including all 62 volumes of his sermons) which I have benefitted from greatly. Soon afterwards, I spent many a happy hour in my spare time going through his writings with the use of the inbuilt and fast search engine to find his many references to his belief in Calvinist doctrine. I catalogued my findings here and have been able to close the mouths of some gainsayers who, largely through ignorance, denied that Spurgeon believed Calvinism or (was at least) very weak on the same. This mammoth work was not done in an afternoon. However slowly but surely I got there.

 For a long time, I have desired to do something similar with his reference to Protestantism. Although Spurgeon was a Baptist, he also rightly identified himself as a PROTESTANT. The above quote is but a sampler of where the great man stood in these issues.  I have taken on a great task here, but (God sparing me) I hope to work at it and see it completed. Time is not of the essence in this case and a few minutes snatched here and there all add up.

Here is the plan:

Go through the said Ages CD in my spare time with the use of the inbuilt search engine:

#1 Type in the word "protest" which will yield me all references to "Protestant(s)" and "Protestantism." Catalogue findings.

 * Spurgeon Protestantism Index (Ongoing work in progress)

 #2 In a separate page, when and if, I complete project #1, go back to beginning and type in the word "Reform". This will yield me all references to "Reformation" and "Reformers" etc. Catalogue findings

 Note: In both of the above, decline to catalogue references to non distinctive Protestant "protesting" or "reforming". 

#3  In a separate page, when and if, I complete project #2, go back to beginning and type in the word "Luther". Catalogue findings

#4 In a separate page, when and if, I complete project #3, go back to beginning and type in the word "Knox". Catalogue findings

 #5 In a separate page, when and if, I complete project #4, go back to beginning and type in the word "Zwingli". Catalogue findings

 As you can see, I am in for the long haul. Perhaps I might never get it finished. At least, I have registered here my desire.  


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